The child life profession is a dynamic, challenging, and oen compeve
discipline that demands excellence from its praconers. In tradional
hospital sengs and beyond, child life specialists are responding to a wide
variety of complex issues by applying their unique body of knowledge and
skills. As child life professionals are connually challenged to demonstrate
their value and experse to sasfy employer expectaons, those individuals
who have documented a basic mastery of child life theory and pracce
and have the iniave to learn new skills will become increasingly valua-
ble to their organizaons.
Child Life Professional Certification
Candidate Manual
Cercaon is a vital step for child life
specialists looking to sharpen their
professional edge. The CCLS creden-
aling program is a voluntary, rigor-
ous, examinaon-based professional
cercaon credenal. The require-
ments for cercaon are based on
academic and clinical experiences, and
successful compleon of the Child Life
Professional Cercaon Examinaon,
and are detailed herein.
January 2024
There are many benets associated with becoming a Cered Child Life Spe-
Professional Identy: Earn the exclusive right to idenfy yourself
as a Cered Child Life Specialist (CCLS), the only credenal issued
in the child life profession
Recognion: Achieve formal acknowledgement of your profes-
sional accomplishment
Advancement: Benet from enhanced career opportunies, with
the potenal for increased salary
Respect: Validate your specialized knowledge and experse to
peers, management and other interdisciplinary colleagues.
Growth: Dedicate yourself to connued professional excellence
through educaon and professional development
Esteem: Improve your credibility with hospital administrators and
the general public
Passion: Demonstrate your commitment to the child life profes-
Pride: Enjoy elevated self-esteem and sasfacon in your work
Why Become Cered?
Please read this document carefully!
Any quesons should be directed to cerca
About Cercaon ...................... 2
Eligibility Requirements ............... 3
Coursework Requirement Detail .. 4
Eligibility FAQs ............................ 9
Eligibility Assessment ................ 11
Exam Fees ................................. 13
Eligibility Assessment FAQs ....... 14
Exam Registraon/Deadlines .... 15
Tesng Accommodaons........... 15
Scheduling Changes ................... 15
About the Exam/How to Prepare 16
Exam Day Policies ...................... 17
Aer the Exam/Score reporng . 18
Retaking the Exam .................... 19
Maintaining Cercaon .......... 20
Child Life Code of Ethics ............. 21
Exam Content Outline ............... 24
Forms ....................................... 27
What is child life cercaon?
Child life cercaon is the process by which, aer veri-
caon that an individual has met predetermined and
standardized criteria, they are granted me-limited recog-
nion and use of the Cered Child Life Specialist (CCLS)
The Child Life Professional Cercaon Program is admin-
istered by the Child Life Cercaon Commission (CLCC),
Associaon of Child Life Professionals (ACLP) sta, and a
professional tesng agency. The program fosters uniform
standards of pracce and ethical conduct among child life
specialists. In addion, child life cercaon promotes
protecon for the general public from untrained individu-
als entering into an inappropriate relaonship with chil-
dren and families.
To achieve the CCLS credenal, each candidate must sasfy
all educaonal and experienal requirements established
by the CLCC, and must demonstrate an acceptable level of
knowledge of child life theory and pracce by successfully
compleng the Child Life Professional Cercaon Exami-
naon. The eligibility requirements for the exam are ap-
plied fairly, imparally, and consistently within applicable
laws, including all US government nondiscriminatory stat-
utes and laws.
Those who successfully complete the exam become cer-
ed for a ve-year period. During this ve-year cycle,
CCLSs are required to pay maintenance fees, and in the
h year of the cycle they must recerfy, either by retaking
the exam or through vericaon of required Professional
Development Units (PDUs).
Cercaon is granted independently of a candidates
membership in ACLP.
How do I become a Cered Child Life Specialist?
Applicants for cercaon must establish eligibility be-
fore they are seated for the Child Life Professional Cer-
caon Examinaon. Eligibility requirements are ex-
plained on the following pages.
There are no excepons made to the requirements.
Establishing eligibility for, taking and passing the Child
Life Professional Cercaon Examinaon is the only
way to become a Cered Child Life Specialist.
Child Life Code of Ethics
Applicaon for the CCLS credenal and maintenance
thereof require compliance with the Child Life Code of
Ethics, a body of ethical principles and rules which is
derived primarily for the benet and protecon of in-
fants, children, youth and families in sengs where
the potenal for damaging stress or trauma exists. The
Child Life Code of Ethics may be found on page 21.
There is a process in place by which consumers and
others may report complaints related to the behavior-
al conduct of CCLS credenal holders on the ACLP
website. There are also CLCC policies regarding the
criminal background of applicants and cercants.
All applicants and credenal holders are required to
acknowledge their agreement to abide by the Child
Life Code of Ethics.
Candidates and cercants who fail to abide by the
code may have their cercaon suspended or re-
Child Life Professional Cercaon Candidate Manual
Page 2
Page 3
Eligibility Requirements Effective January 1, 2019
Effective January 1, 2019, to establish eligibility for the Child Life Professional Certification Exam, the following will be
required of all candidates on or before the registration deadline for the exam administration for which they are applying:
OR -
Opon 1:
Degree from an ACLP-Endorsed Academic Program
*An eligibility assessment must sll be completed—addional instrucons can be found on page 11
Applicants are required to complete a minimum of 600 hours of a child life clinical internship
under the direct supervision of a Certified Child Life Specialist who:
Maintains professional child life certification throughout the supervisory period
Has a minimum of 4,000 hours of paid child life clinical experience prior to the start of the
supervisory period
Takes responsibility for the educational development and guidance of the candidate in the
clinical setting
Opon 2:
1. Bachelors degree in any eld of study
2. Coursework: must successfully complete 10 college/university courses as follows:
Child life course taught by a CCLS
A minimum of 2 child development courses that cover ages birth -18
Family systems course
Play course
Loss/bereavement or death/dying course
Research course
3 addional courses in related content areas
Addional informaon about the required courses can be found on the following pages
For each of the 10 required courses, it is recommended that students take a 3-credit course or the equiv-
alent to have an appropriate depth of instrucon.
A minimum of one full course must be completed for each of the required areas of study. (A minimum
of two courses are required for the child development requirement.)
In order for a course to count, the required content must be the primary focus.
All points within the Required Content secon of each course must be covered within the course. Appli-
cants may not use the same course to meet 2 or more of these requirements.
Applicants are required to submit university-generated course descripons when applying for an Eligibil-
ity Assessment.
Applicants must be prepared to provide university-generated syllabi if requested.
Due to the limited involvement of the instructor in the curriculum being studied and uncertainty about
whether it was equivalent to a tradional course, independent study courses are generally not accepted
to fulll the course work requirements needed to establish eligibility for the cercaon exam.
1. Child Life
Required Child Life Content:
A minimum of 3 credit hours or unit equivalency is recommended.
There are 6 required areas of study that must be covered in this course.
All 6 areas must be addressed.
More than 1 course may be needed to fulll this requirement.
The following content must be taught by a Cered Child Life Specialist® (CCLS) who meets the re-
quirements below.
Ocial Documents of ACLP/CLCC
Scope of Pracce
Impact of Illness
Family Centered Care
Therapeuc Play
Instructor Requirements:
Hold/maintain the CCLS credenal throughout the period of instrucon
A minimum of 4,000 hours of paid child life clinical experience OR a minimum of two years of experience
teaching child life subject maer*
Maintains knowledge of the Associaon of Child Life Professionals Child Life Code of Ethics and the O-
cial Documents of the Associaon of Child Life Professionals
Pursue training relevant to adult learning styles and evidence-based teaching methodology
*CCLS must be able to demonstrate that the two years of teaching experience was completed prior to 2022. Begin-
ning in 2022, those without prior teaching experiences who wish to iniate a child life course will only be considered
qualied if they have a minimum of 4,000 hours of paid child life clinical experience
Child Life Professional Cercaon Candidate Manual
Page 4
Required Coursework Details
2. Child Development:
Required Content:
Typical child growth and development including theorecal content for children and adolescents (birth -
18-years old)
Required Number of Courses:
At least two courses that focus curriculum on typical growth and development (not atypical) and
cumulavely cover child development from birth to 18 years.
A minimum of 3 credit hours or unit equivalency for each course is recommended.
More than 2 courses may be needed to fulll this requirement.
If any poron of this age span is not covered, addional courses must be taken.
Course tles must contain the words child(infant, toddler, middle, latent, adolescent) and
developmentand indicate the age range covered by the course. Applicants subming courses that do
not follow this scheme may be required to submit addional informaon such as course syllabi.
Courses covering the lifespan of development are not accepted due to the limited amount of me
and content allocated for children birth–18 years old.
Courses focusing on adults or seniors are not accepted.
Page 5
Example 1 One course on children Birth – 8 (early childhood)
One course on children 9-18 (middle childhood and adoles-
Example 2 One course on early childhood (birth-8 years),
One course on middle childhood (9-12 years),
One course on adolescent (13-18 years).
Example 3 One course on development birth – 18
One course on infant, school age, or adolescent development
Example 4 Two courses on development birth – 18 (Not Recommended)
Child Life Professional Cercaon Candidate Manual
Page 6
3. Family Systems:
Required Content:
Content must focus on a systems approach to understanding families (e.g. an ecological approach or Family
Systems Theory)
Required Number of Courses:
One course is required
A minimum of 3 credit hours or unit equivalency is recommended
Recommended Components:
Historical and contemporary theories related to family structure and funcons
Family dynamics including broader societal perspecves of diversity and cultural variance
Family relaonships and the dynamics of family life
Adaptaons in family structure and interacon paerns during mes of transion
Adult-child interacons and family roles
Exploraon of current research and theory as it applies to family systems
4. Play:
Required Content:
This course must focus on the therapeuc aspects and/or learning objecves of play in infants, children, youth,
and young adults.
Required Number of Courses:
One course is required
A minimum of 3 credit hours or unit equivalency is recommended
Recommended Components:
Classical and contemporary theories on play
Play as an essenal element for childrens growth, development, and learning
Inuence of play environments on childrens play
Acceptable Curricula:
Observing, assessing, and using play to make judgments about childrens learning
Play as the primary vehicle and indicator of physical, intellectual, social, and emoonal development of chil-
Play principles and values
Structuring therapeuc play sessions
Creavity and play
Guidance of play
Play, curriculum and program development
Art, music, and play for early childhood educaon*
Concepts of leisure, play and recreaon*
*Courses that cover all stages of childhood (birth to 18) and non-recreaonal therapy courses are preferred.
Coursework NOT Accepted:
Courses from the college/university department of physical educaon are NOT accepted.
Page 7
5. Loss/Bereavement or Death/Dying:
Required Content:
Foundaons of loss, bereavement, and/or death/dying
Required Number of Courses:
One course is required
A minimum of 3 credit hours or unit equivalency is recommended
Recommended Components:
Historical, current, cultural, spiritual, and religious perspecves
Topics including ambiguous loss, transions, palliave care, self-awareness & self-care
Inclusion of content focused on impacts to children and families is recommended
Courses on aging are not accepted
6. Research:
Required Content:
Basic research methods, stascs, and outcomes that apply to clinical pracce and program review.
Required Number of Courses:
One course is required
A minimum of 3 credit hours or unit equivalency is recommended
Recommended Components:
Foundaonal research literacy and research ethics
Introductory approaches to research quantave, qualitave, acon research, and analysis
Introducon to knowledge translaon and disseminaon of research outcomes impacng clinical prac-
ce program review
Introducon to the integral role of research in evidenced-based pracce.
Research processes of data collecon, evaluaon, literature review, knowledge translaon
Please note: Courses with researchin the tle will be accepted.
Joining the Associaon of Child Life Professionals
Although ACLP membership is not required in order to be cered, ACLP Membership makes sense! By joining
ACLP and taking advantage of signicant discounts on cercaon fees and study materials, candidates will ben-
et from savings that will more than make up for the cost of the rst year of membership.
For more informaon on ACLP membership, please visit the ACLP website.
Child Life Professional Cercaon Candidate Manual
Page 8
7. Addional Coursework:
Required Content:
Child life or a closely related subject
Required Number of Courses:
Three courses are required
A minimum of 3 credit hours or unit equivalency per course is recommended
Recommended Courses: It is highly recommended that applicants complete these courses in the follow-
ing content areas:
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Medical Terminology
Addional Coursework Opons: Applicants who do not complete addional course work in the areas
listed above will be required to take three courses from one or more of the following college/university de-
Child Life
Child Development
Expressive Therapies (only courses that cover the therapeuc applicaons of play, music, dance, and art
will be accepted; ne arts courses are NOT accepted)
Family Development
Family Dynamics
Human Development
Therapeuc Recreaon
Coursework Opons Requiring a Syllabus: Courses from the following areas of study or departments
will be accepted only if the course content (as demonstrated by the course syllabus) is closely related to
child life.
Social Work
Early Childhood Educaon
Special Educaon
Human Services
Marriage and Family Therapy
Allied Health
Family Studies
Coursework NOT Accepted:
Courses in Recreaon Administraon
Page 9
Do the required courses have to be taken for college credit?
Yes. Non-credit or audited courses are not accepted.
Do the required courses have to be taken as part of a degree
The required courses can be taken as part of or in addion to a
degree program. Check with the college/university about en-
rollment requirements.
Do the required courses have to be 3-credit classes?
No. While it is recommended that applicants have at least 3
credit hours or unit equivalency per course, there is no mini-
mum number of credit hours per class at this me.
Where can I take the required courses?
Courses meeting the requirement may be taken at any college
or university that has been accredited by an organization that is
recognized by either the US Department of Education or the
Council on Higher Education Accreditation or the international
Can the required courses be taken online?
Yes. Courses may be taken either in-person or online.
Am I required to take any child life-specific courses?
Yes, all candidates must complete at least one child life
course, and that course must be taught by a Cered Child Life
Specialist. There are six required areas of study that must be
covered. See page 4 For further details.
Course Work
Do I need to obtain a masters degree to become cer-
Candidates are required to have a minimum of a bach-
elors degree. The previously-announced requirement
for a masters degree in 2022 was rescinded. A mas-
ters degree is not required.
Frequently Asked Quesons
I was previously cered, but my cercaon lapsed
or expired. Am I sll eligible to take the exam?
All candidates must meet the current eligibility re-
quirements regardless of past cercaon status.
CCLSs whose cercaon has lapsed or expired must
re-establish eligibility by starng the applicaon pro-
cess anew. They must complete an eligibility assess-
ment, documenng the compleon of the current eli-
gibility requirements. register for the exam, pay the
exam fee, and successfully complete the examinaon.
I have already established eligibility under the previ-
ous requirements, but didnt take (or pass) the exam.
What do I need to submit in order to register for the
exam again?
All candidates must meet the current eligibility re-
quirements regardless of past eligibility status. They
must complete a new eligibility assessment, docu-
menng the compleon of the current eligibility re-
quirements. register for the exam, pay the exam fee,
and successfully complete the examinaon.
Am I required to be a member of the Associaon of
Child Life Professionals to be eligible for cercaon?
Candidates for cercaon are not required to be
members of the Associaon of Child Life Professionals.
However, ACLP members receive discounted rates on
publicaons to prepare for the exam, examinaon
fees, and cercaon fees once cered.
Do I need a degree in child life to obtain cercaon?
Candidates are not required to obtain a degree in child
life in order to be eligible to take the Child Life Profes-
sional Cercaon Exam. A candidates bachelors de-
gree can be completed in any eld of study.
If Im sll in school working on my bachelors degree,
can I take the exam?
All applicants are required to successfully complete
their bachelors degree on or before the registraon
deadline for the exam for which they are applying. Ap-
plicaons from students ancipang graduaon are not
Page 10
Why am I required to take a child life course?
CLCC seeks to ensure that individuals pursuing a career in
child life will be proficient in their future practice by re-
quiring an academic background that includes knowledge
essential to child life practice. Academic courses that pre-
pare, support, and provide a solid academic and practical
foundation for students allow them to build a foundation
of knowledge in the core competencies of child life.
Why does the child life course have to be taught by a Cer-
tified Child Life Specialist?
When preparing students for areas of specialty such as
child life, having content experts providing instruction is of
great value. Those who have earned the CCLS credential
have demonstrated a level of expertise in child life that
helps make them uniquely suitable to instruct aspiring
child life practitioners.
Can the child life course be co-taught by a non-CCLS?
No. All instruction must be provided by a CCLS.
How do I find a child life course taught by a CCLS?
The required course may be completed at any fully-
accredited academic institution provided the required cur-
riculum and instructor requirements are met. Institutions
offering a child life course can be found by searching the
ACLP Academic Program Directory. ACLP/CLCC is not re-
sponsible for, nor does it endorse, the content or quality of
any of these courses. Prospecve students are encour-
aged to directly contact programs in which they are inter-
ested for specic informaon.
Do I have to submit a transcript for the child life course in
addition to the Child Life Course Verification Form?
Yes, the child life course must appear on an official col-
lege/university transcript with a passing grade and the
applicant must request verification through the Eligibility
Assessment online process or provide the Child Life Course
Verification Form (see the end of this document) signed by
the instructor showing that all six required topics of study
were covered.
My child life course did not cover all of the six required
topics. What do I need to do?
Academic programs may choose to provide coverage of
the six topics in more than one course as long as each
course covering the areas is taught by a CCLS. In such cas-
es, the digital verification process that is part of the Eligi-
bility Assessment or a Child Life Course Verification Form
must be submitted for each course, providing confirmation
that the applicant received instruction from a CCLS in each of the re-
quired topics of study.
Im taking my internship for college credit. Can this count as my
child life course taught by a CCLS?
No. A child life internship or practicum taken for college credit cannot
be used to satisfy this requirement. Candidates must have BOTH an
internship AND a child life course taught by a CCLS in order to estab-
lish eligibility for the exam.
I took my child life course a while ago and dont have a Child Life
Course Verification Form. Can I still use the course to establish eligi-
Without verification, courses cannot be used to meet the requirement
for a child life course taught by a CCLS. However, they may count
toward the other nine courses that are required.
I am enrolled in classes, but they wont be complete before the reg-
istration deadline for the exam I want to take. Can I establish eligi-
bility in anticipation of completing the required courses?
No. All of the required course work must be complete on or before
the exam registration deadline for the administration for which can-
didates are applying. If any of the required courses are not complete
by that date, applicants must wait for a future exam date. Completion
must be documented on an official transcript on or prior to the regis-
tration deadline.
I dont know if the classes Ive taken will count; can my transcript be
The Eligibility Assessment is the vehicle used to review a candidates
progress toward meeng the eligibility requirements including the
course work requirement. In-progress courses are not re-
viewed. ACLP stawill connue to review courses only unl 10 have
been approved. Submission of each course from a transcript is dis-
couraged as it is unlikely that they will all be reviewed.
How do I get the clinical experience?
As the cerfying body for child life specialists, CLCC is limited as to
the level of assistance we can provide for internship placement.
We encourage candidates to contact facilies directly to locate
programs and to determine if they are qualied for placement. It
is the prerogave of the hiring instuon to set the requirements
for internship posions, which vary among instuons and may
include things that are not required by CLCC.
Clinical Experience
Can I use hours that I have worked as a child life specialist or
child life assistant to meet the clinical experience requirement?
The required clinical experience hours must be earned through a
child life internship. Paid work experience is no longer accepted
to meet this requirement.
Can an internship be paid?
Yes, there are no restricons on the payment of interns.
Can I use hours that I have worked with children outside the
child life profession to meet the clinical experience requirement?
Other types of clinical experience may not be substuted for any
poron of the clinical hours. All hours must be obtained through
an internship in child life.
What if my internship ends aer the exam registraon deadline?
A minimum of 600 hours must be completed on or before the ex-
am registraon deadline. If the internship is longer than
600 hours, CLCC does not require that the internship be complet-
ed by the deadline. Ulmately it is le to the internship supervi-
sors discreon to verify the hours prior to the conclusion of the
internship. However, if a candidate will not have completed 600
hours by the exam registraon deadline, they must wait and apply
for another exam administraon. Clinical experience must be
veried on or prior to the registraon deadline.
Does my internship have to be completed in a hospital?
A poron of the required hours must be completed in a hospital
seng. There is no minimum. The remaining hours may be
earned in other types of healthcare sengs.
Child Life Professional Cercaon Candidate Manual Page 11
The Eligibility Assessment service is part of a two-step exam applicaon process.
Step 1 - Eligibility Assessment AND Step 2 - Exam Registraon
In step 1, applicants log into their prole, pay a non-refundable fee for the Eligibility Assessment, and immediately begin
entering their eligibility informaon, including course work. During this period, applicants are able to save their work and
return to their applicaon at any me to monitor their progress towards eligibility. Because many child life internship pro-
grams require applicants to document that they have met the academic requirements, a report is available for the applicant
to print or email at any me during the Eligibility Assessment period.
Once eligibility is established, the applicants status will change to candidate,and they may proceed to step 2 - paying the
separate exam fee and registering for an exam administraon.
The Eligibility Assessment Fee is a one-me fee if the candidate successfully completes the examinaon prior to any changes
to the eligibility requirements. However, if the requirements change, the candidates status will return to applicantpend-
ing a new assessment (an addional fee applies).
Can I obtain the hours at more than one site?
Yes. If an instuon is oering a term shorter than 600
hours, then the candidate will need to acquire addional
hours at another facility. Vericaon of the hours must
be obtained from each site where the clinical training is
Do the clinical hours I completed in the past sll count?
Yes, provided that the hours meet the current require-
ments and can be veried by a CCLS supervisor.
PLEASE NOTE: The Clinical Experience Vericaon Form
(see nal pages of this document) has been revised. Old-
er versions of the Clinical Experience Vericaon Form
do not include all of the necessary elements to establish
eligibility under current requirements.
Prior to 2006, supervisors were not required to meet a
minimum number of paid child life work experience
hours. If a candidate was deemed eligible prior to 2006
using clinical experience under a supervisor who does
not meet the new requirements, they forfeited their eli-
gibility eecve January 1, 2006.
Page 12
Completing the Eligibility Assessment
Applicants are required to complete an Eligibility Assess-
ment, and once eligibility is established, to register for the
Because the Eligibility Assessment is an ongoing process,
applicants may leave any requirements blank that have yet
to be completed and return later to ll out those secons
as the requirements are completed.
Students enrolled in an endorsed program, please email
your Endorsed Program Leer (available from your aca-
demic program director) to cerca[email protected] to
start your Eligibility Assessment.
All others can start their Eligibility Assessment as follows:
1. Login (or create a new customer record) to your ACLP
online prole at
2. Click on the menu icon
4. Click on Start an Eligibility Assessment
5. Click on Create New Collecon
6. Click Next
7. Follow on-screen instrucons to complete your payment.
The following three parts of the Eligibility Assessment
may be completed in any order:
1. Enter degree/course work informaon
a. Click on Enter degree and courses for review.
b. Select the credit type either degree or courses and click
on Connue.
c. Enter the requested informaon and click on Save.
d. From here you may add more courses by selecng Add
Another Credit; or, Return to Transcript will take you to your
Evaluaon Report.
2. Enter informaon for vericaon regarding the child life
course taught by a CCLS
Note: if you are subming a hardcopy of the Child Life
Course Vericaon Form, please scan and email to cerca-
[email protected]. (Form found at the end of this document.)
a. From the menu icon, under Cercaon Portal, click on
Child Life Course Vericaon.
b. Enter the requested informaon and click on Save and
c. Enter your instructor's last name in the box provided or
click on the icon on the far le of the box to open a dialog box
that will allow you to search for your instructor's name. It
may take 1-2 minutes for the system to search the database
for the instructors name.
d. Click on Next.
e. Conrm the informaon entered and click on Submit Your
Applicaon. Doing so will send an email to your instructor
requesng that they verify the informaon submied.
Once you have submied your eligibility informaon, please send your ocial transcripts to our oce.
· If a university provides ocial transcripts digitally, they can be emailed to cerca directly from the in-
· If your instuon does not provide the digital opon for ocial transcripts, please mail the transcripts to:
Cercaon, Associaon of Child Life Professionals, 7600 Leesburg Pike West, Ste 200, Falls Church, VA 22043
· CLCC does not accept fax or email transmission of transcripts from applicants since this transmission automacally renders
them "unocial.
· CLCC does not accept unocial transcripts that have been printed by the applicant from the university website.
· If the applicant is mailing ocial transcripts, they must be in an envelope signed/sealed by the college/university.
· You will be noed via email when your ocial transcripts have been received in our oce. You may then expect to see
results on your Evaluaon Report on your online prole approximately 23 weeks.
· If the name that will appear on your ocial transcripts does not match the name on your Eligibility Assessment, please
provide us with a vericaon of your name change such as a copy of a marriage license. This documentaon may be faxed,
emailed or mailed to our oce.
Documentaon presented in a foreign language must be translated into English, at the applicants expense, by a profes-
sional translaon agent with a notarized signature or stamp aesng to the accuracy of the contents.
Page 13
Child Life Professional Cercaon Candidate Manual
Please remember that you must submit an ocial
transcript* in order for degree and coursework infor-
maon to be reviewed.
ACLP sta will connue to review courses only unl all
requirements are sased. Submission of each course
from a transcript is discouraged as it is unlikely that they
will all be reviewed.
3. Enter clinical experience for vericaon
Note: if you are subming a hardcopy of the Clinical
Experience Vericaon Form, please scan and email to
cerca[email protected]g. (Form found at the end of
this document.)
a. From the menu icon, under Cercaon Portal, click
on Clinical Work Vericaon.
b. Enter the requested informaon and click on Save
and Connue.
c. Enter your supervisor's last name in the box provided
or click on the icon on the far le of the box to
open a dialog box that will allow you to search for your
supervisor's name. It may take 1-2 minutes for the sys-
tem to search the database for the instructors name.
d. Click on Next.
e. Conrm the informaon entered and click on Submit
Your Applicaon. Doing so will send an email to your
supervisor requesng that they verify the informaon
Only clinical experience that has been completed can be
veried. If you are currently compleng your internship,
please wait unl it is completed to start this process.
Providing Supporng Documentaon for your Eligibil-
ity Assessment
All candidates are required to send supporng docu-
mentaon needed to establish eligibility.
We strongly encourage candidates to send any sup-
porng documentaon using a delivery method that
will provide them with receipt conrmaon. Applicants may use
their receipt to conrm that their materials were successfully deliv-
ered to our oce.
For the academic requirements, if the applicant graduated
from an ACLP endorsed academic program, they are required
to submit:
1. Endorsed Program Leer (available from the academic program
This should be provided to cerca to start an Eli-
gibility Assessment
2. Degree Documentaon Required:
An original OFFICIAL* transcript showing successful compleon of
the endorsed academic program
For the academic requirements, all other applicants will need
to provide:
1. Degree Documentaon Required:
An original OFFICIAL* transcript from the college/university confer-
ring the degree, which shows the type of degree granted and the
date conferred. Please conrm that the transcript is issued aer the
date the degree was conferred.
2. Course Work Documentaon Required:
Applicants must request verification through the Eligibility Assess-
ment online process or provide the Child Life Course Verification
Form signed by the CCLS instructor showing that all six required top-
ics of study were covered.
An OFFICIAL* transcript from each college or university where the
course work was completed.
All 10 courses including the child life course must appear on the
transcript(s) with a passing grade.
No in-progress courses will be accepted.
Transferred courses from another school must have a passing
grade listed on the transcript or be documented by another OFFI-
CIAL* transcript from the original college/university.
Online courses must be reected on an OFFICIAL* transcript with
a passing grade.
*NOTE: OFFICIAL is dened by each college/university; for de-
tails, please check with the schools Registrars Oce. Faxed and
photocopied transcripts are not accepted. Emailed transcripts are
only accepted if sent directly by the academic instuon and are
considered ocial by the school.
Examinaon Fees*
ACLP Members Non-members
$300.00 U.S. $450.00 U.S.
*As of publicaon date; all fees are subject to change.
Page 14
ALL applicants must submit:
3. Clinical Experience Documentaon Required:
Applicants must request verification of their clinical
experience through the Eligibility Assessment online
process or provide the Clinical Experience Verifica-
tion Form signed by the CCLS supervisor verifying
that a minimum of 600 hours of child life clinical
training was completed. If hours were earned at mul-
ple sites, vericaon of the hours must be obtained
from each site.
Please note that previous, outdated versions of the
Clinical Experience Vericaon Form do not include
all of the necessary elements to establish eligibility
under current requirements, and will not be accept-
How do I get my course work reviewed?
The Eligibility Assessment is the vehicle used to re-
view an applicants progress toward meeng the eli-
gibility requirements (including course work).
Applicants pay a fee* to iniate an Eligibility Assess-
ment and submit informaon and materials
(including ocial transcripts and other vericaon
documents) as the requirements for establishing ex-
am eligibility are completed. Once all steps in the
Eligibility Assessment have been completed, the ap-
plicant is granted access to register for an upcoming
*If the eligibility requirements change, a second pay-
ment of this fee will be required as a new assessment
must be opened.
When can I expect results”/updates?
You will be noed via email when your o-
cial transcripts have been received in our oce. You
may then expect to see results on your Evaluaon
Report on your online prole in approximately 23
weeks. You may print and disburse the Evaluaon
Report at any me.
What about courses in progress?
Only those courses that appear on an ocial transcript with a passing
grade will be reviewed for acceptance as part of an Eligibility Assess-
ment. Any in progresscourses will appear as ineligible but you may
provide updated ocial transcripts once they become available and
those courses will be re-evaluated.
Why arent the 6 child life course areas or topics showing as passed?
We must receive vericaon from the CCLS instructor that the 6 areas/
topics were covered. This can be achieved by emailing a completed
Child Life Course Vericaon Form (found at the end of this document)
to cerca[email protected] or through the online vericaon process
described on pp. 2-3.
My instructor has veried my CL course but it sll appears as ineligible
on my report. Why?
Your Child Life Course, while veried by your instructor, has not been
reviewed or accepted because we have not yet reviewed an ocial tran-
script documenng successful compleon of the course. Course work,
including the child life course is not passed unl sta has reviewed
ocial transcripts and conrmed that the submied course work has
been completed with a passing grade.
How do I submit transcripts?
If your university provides digital versions of ocial transcripts, these
may be emailed to cerca directly from your instu-
If your instuon does not provide the digital opon
for ocial transcripts, please mail the transcripts to ACLP,
7600 Leesburg Pike West, Ste 200, Falls Church, VA 22043
CLCC does not accept faxed or emailed transcripts from applicants since
this transmission automacally renders them "unocial.
CLCC does not accept unocial transcripts that have been downloaded
by the applicant from the university website. If the applicant is mailing
ocial transcripts, they must be in an envelope signed/sealed by the
If the name that appears on your ocial transcripts is dierent than that
on the Eligibility Assessment, please provide us with a vericaon of
name change such as a copy of a marriage license. This documentaon
may be faxed, emailed or mailed to our oce.
If you establish eligibility to sit for the exam
Candidates will be noed by email if eligibility has been established.
They are then given access to register for an upcoming exam administra-
on window. There will be a slight delay between establishing eligibility
and the email with exam registraon informaon.
Candidates will subsequently be contacted by ACLPs tesng agency
with informaon about how to schedule the exam at the tesng center
and on the date preferred.
Candidates are permied to choose a date within the tesng window
Eligibility Assessment Frequently Asked Questions
Documents submied will not be
returned. Please keep copies of all
materials submied
for your records .
Page 15 Child Life Professional Cercaon Candidate Manual
Withdrawals and Scheduling Changes
Can I withdraw from the examinaon?
Withdrawal requests must be RECEIVED by 11:59 PM eastern me
a minimum of ve days prior to the start of the tesng window for
which the candidate is scheduled. Requests received aer this date
will not be honored and the candidate will forfeit the enre exami-
naon fee. Requests to withdraw may be sent to cerca-
Examinaon fees will be refunded (less a $50.00 US processing fee).
The candidate must establish eligibility for any future exam admin-
Can I defer my applicaon to another administraon?
Deferral requests must be RECEIVED by 11:59 PM eastern me a
minimum of ve days prior to the start of the tesng window for
which the candidate is scheduled. Requests received aer this date
will not be honored and the candidate will forfeit the enre exami-
naon fee. Requests to defer may be sent to cerca-
The candidate must connue to meet all eligibility requirements in
place for the new exam administraon.
There is a $50 US processing fee for each administraon change.
If you have received login informaon from our tesng vendor
and/or scheduled the exam through their website you must
contact BOTH ACLP and SMT directly to make any scheduling
SMT/Prometric may elect to charge a fee for schedule modi-
caons in addion to any fees ACLP charges.
If you wish to reschedule the exam within the same tesng
window and you do not contact SMT at least ve days prior to
the day you are scheduled to take the exam, you will forfeit
the enre examinaon fee.
Tesng Window Registraon Deadline
March 15-30 March 10
August 15-30 August 10
November 1-15 October 27
Aer scheduling the exam, candidates will have the op-
portunity to save and print an admission document
which must be presented at the tesng center on the
day of the exam. The name on this document must
match the government issued ID that you will present
at the tesng center of your choice.
Eligibility Appeals Process
Candidates experiencing diculty establishing eligibility
may appeal to the CLCC Appeals Commiee stang the
reason for the appeal.
The request for appeal must be accompanied by any
supporng documentaon the applicant wishes to sub-
Registering for the certification exam
Once a candidate has established eligibility, they are
given access to register for the cercaon exam.
There will be a slight delay between establishing eligibil-
ity and the email with exam registraon informaon.
Please note that candidates are required to register a
minimum of ve days prior to the start of the exam ad-
ministraon window. It is recommended that candi-
dates apply as soon as possible as the schedule at the
desired tesng center may ll up quickly. Please note
that candidates who will be requesng special tesng
accommodaons, must submit those materials two
weeks prior to the registraon deadlines below.
To register online:
1. Log at
2. Click on the menu icon
3. Click on Register for the Cercaon Exam
4. Complete the aestaon and sign digitally
5. Click on Update
6. Click on Conrm
4. Select the desired test administraon window
5. Click on Register
6. Follow the on-screen instrucons to complete your
Aer registering for the exam, our tesng partner will contact you
with informaon necessary to schedule the exam. There will be a
slight delay from the me you pay for the exam unl you receive
instrucons for scheduling the exam; you will receive an email with
informaon within 5 business days. Please note that you must
schedule the exam a minimum of 5 days prior to the desired
tesng date.
Special Testing Accommodations
All US examinaon sites are fully accessible and compliant with the
Americans with Disabilies Act. Special tesng accommodaons
Page 16
This document and any updates are available on
the Associaon of Child Life Professionals
website at:
Any quesons regarding the content of the
Candidate Manual should be addressed to:
The Child Life Professional Cercaon Examinaon is com-
prised of 150 mulple-choice quesons. The alloed me to
complete the examinaon is four hours.
The following is a lisng of the domains specic to each area
of child life pracce, with a notaon of the percentage of
examinaon items (quesons) related to each domain. This
is taken from the Exam Content Outline and although the
actual content varies from administraon to administraon,
all exams follow this blueprint.
The Child Life Professional Cercaon Examinaon is an
objecve test that covers relevant knowledge, understand-
ing, and praccal applicaon of child life theory and pracce
as determined by the Child Life Cercaon Commission and
other Cered Child Life Specialists surveyed. The exam is
developed by a commiee of experts in the child life profes-
sion as a measurement of basic, entry-level knowledge of
each candidate.
The commiee starts with a periodic Pracce Analysis which
denes the profession of child life by delineang the domain,
tasks, knowledge and skills necessary for competent pracce
as a child life specialist. From this assessment, content areas
and their appropriate relave emphases are dened. A sur-
vey of child life praconers validates the content outline.
Of the 150 quesons on the exam, 25 are pretest items and
are not weighted (not counted toward candidates scores).
Pilong items in this manner allows items to be analyzed
before they become weighted and provides vericaon that
the items contribute toward measuring a candidates pro-
ciency in the material and are not irrelevant or poorly-
wrien. Candidates answer the pretest items, and then per-
formance data is used in a stascal analysis to determine if
the quesons perform as intended. If so, their ability to con-
tribute to a tests quality is veried and they can be consid-
ered for inclusion on future exams as scored items.
Each form of the Child Life Professional Cercaon Exami-
naon is equated to ensure that candidates are neither pe-
nalized nor rewarded if an exam form is more dicult or
easier than any other version of the exam. Collecng perfor-
mance data enables the test administraon agency to con-
duct this important process.
For more detailed informaon about how the exam is devel-
oped and how it is scored, please visit the ACLP website.
How to Prepare—Recommended Resources
The following are references that cover the basic concepts in child
life theory and pracce. These references are used to validate the
content of the Child Life Professional Cercaon Exam. Most are
available through the Bookstore secon of the ACLP website.
1. Psychosocial Care of Children in Hospitals: A Clinical Pracce
Manual Gaynard, et al. (1998)
2. Meeng Childrens Psychosocial Needs Across the Healthcare
Connuum Rollins, Bolig, & Mahan (2018)
3. The Handbook of Child Life Thompson (2018)
4. A Child in Pain: What Health Professionals Can Do to Help Ku-
ner (2012)
5. ACLP Ocial Documents of the Child Life Council ACLP (2020)
6. Making Ethical Decisions in Child Life Pracce Burns-Nader et al
7. How to Help Children through a Parents Serious Illness McCue
& Bonn (2011)
8. Research Methods for Child Life Specialists Burns-Nader et al
9. Emoonal Safety in Pediatrics Gordon (2021)
10. The Value of Cered Child Life Specialists: Direct and Down-
stream Opmizaon of Pediatric Paent and Family Out-
comes Boles, J. et al. (2020)
11. Health equity and childrens rights Council on Community Pedi-
atrics and Commiee on Nave American Child Health (2010)
12. Technology and interacve media as tools in early childhood
programs serving children from birth through age 8 Naonal
Associaon for the Educaon of Young Children & Fred Rogers
Center for Early Learning and Childrens Media at Saint Vincent
College. (2012)
13.The Impact of Racism on Child and Adolescent Health Pediat-
rics (2019)
14. Any normal growth and development textbook
This list was updated December 2021.
Examinaon Format and Content
Domain % of Exam
Professional Responsibility 26%
Assessment 37%
Intervenon 37%
Page 17
Personal Idencaon
To gain admiance to the examinaon room, all can-
didates are required to present a government-issued
photo idencaon. Acceptable forms of idenca-
on include a valid drivers license, passport, or mili-
tary idencaon card.
Admissions Document
At the me candidates schedule their exam appoint-
ment, the tesng agency will provide an admissions
document to each examinee. In order to be admied
to the exam, candidates are required to present this
document at the tesng center on the day of their
If a candidate has been pre-approved for special
tesng accommodaons, candidate should present
the conrmaon e-mail sent by CLCC indicang the
accommodaons that have been approved to ensure
that the appropriate tesng accommodaons are
made onsite.
Earplugs for sound suppression are allowed. Head-
phones and ear buds are not permied.
Water must be in a clear/transparent container with
a lid/cap. All labels must be removed, and the con-
tainer will be inspected for test aids. The candidate
will need to remove the lid/cap for visual inspecon
by the Test Center sta. Should the container not
meet the requirements outlined, the candidate will
be required to put it in their locker and will not be
allowed to take it into the test room.
Please bring as few personal belongings as possible.
Books (including all types of diconaries), papers, electronic/cellular
devices (pagers, telephones, etc.), food, and most other personal be-
longings will NOT be permied at your tesng staon. Some tesng
centers have lockers for examineesuse during the exam however this is
not guaranteed at every locaon. Neither ACLP nor CLCC is responsible
for the security of any personal possessions brought to the examinaon.
During the Examinaon
No food or beverages (except water in a plain, clear bole) will be al-
lowed in the tesng room unless prior approval has been received for
medical reasons. Candidates must submit a Special Accommodaons
Applicaon Packet to request this approval.
Candidates may exit the tesng room to use the restroom or water
fountain. Only one person will be permied to leave the room at a
me. Candidates will not be permied to make up the me lost while
away from the examinaon. If candidates wish to use the restroom,
they should raise their hand and the proctor will give further direcons.
There is an inherent risk of connecvity issues with computer-based
tesng. Candidates who experience technical dicules that aect
their performance must report these to the proctor immediately (prior
to receiving their exam result) and contact SMT immediately aer leav-
ing the tesng center to report the problem.
Any concerns about the tesng site and/or proctors should be reported
immediately and noted on the exit survey at the end of the examina-
on/prior to receipt of the exam results.
Examinaon Day Absences
Refunds will only be approved if the absence is the result of a docu-
mented personal or medical emergency. Absences are reviewed by the
commiee on a case-by-case basis. Refund requests must be received
in wring with supporng documentaon detailing the reason for ab-
sence within 14 days of the examinaon date. CLCC reserves the right to
verify any informaon submied regarding examinaon day absence. If
the absence is excused, payment for the exam will be refunded, less a
$50 U.S. applicaon processing fee, or may be deferred to the next test
administraon in accordance with the policies herein.
Inclement Weather
If severe weather or natural disaster makes the tesng center inaccessi-
ble or unsafe, the test administraon may be canceled. Test administra-
This document and any updates are available on
Exam Day Instrucons
Exam appointments are made based on the oper-
ang schedule of the tesng center selected by the
Candidates have four hours in which to complete
the exam. At the discreon of the site administra-
tor, candidates may be admied to the examina-
on up to 20 minutes late. Late arrivals will be re-
quired to sign a statement acknowledging that they
will receive no extra me to complete the exam.
What To Bring
What NOT To Bring
Page 18 Child Life Professional Cercaon Candidate Manual
on will be delayed or canceled only in emergencies.
Candidates who cannot safely reach the test site because of se-
vere weather condions and wish to request a refund of the ex-
aminaon fee, must send the wrien request with documentaon
of the weather condions to CLCC within 14 days of the scheduled
examinaon date. CLCC will evaluate the circumstances on a case-
by-case basis.
Exam Feedback
Examinees will be given the opportunity to comment on the ex-
aminaon administraon, content, or any of its elements prior to
leaving the examinaon room. Exam proctors will provide instruc-
on on this process. Candidates with concerns about the accuracy
of specic exam quesons must provide this feedback prior to
leaving the tesng room. Since CLCC constantly works to improve
the tesng process, candidates are strongly encouraged to pro-
vide feedback on the exam prior to leaving the tesng room.
Examinaon Security
Any candidate who gives or receives assistance, or whose behav-
ior is disrupve during the examinaon, will be required to leave
the tesng room immediately. The candidates answers will not be
scored and the situaon will be reported to CLCC for review and
possible acon by the Ethics Commiee. Any candidate who ob-
serves inappropriate test taking behavior should report it to ap-
propriate tesng personnel. In order to detect fraud, the perfor-
mance of all candidates is monitored and analyzed stascally.
The enre item (queson) bank, examinaon materials and each
form of the examinaon are the property of the Associaon of
Child Life Professionals Inc. Distribuon of exam content or mate-
rials through any form of reproducon, including oral and wrien
communicaon, is strictly prohibited and punishable by law. Any
individual who removes or aempts to remove examinaon mate-
rial from the test site will be prosecuted; this includes memoriza-
on of quesons.
Test development and security requirements prevent CLCC from
releasing test quesons or other specic exam content to anyone,
under any circumstances.
Discussion of exam content with other candidates following the
exam is considered a breach of examinaon security and is not
Aer the Exam/Score Reporng
You will receive a preliminary score report before leaving the
tesng center. The scores will be subjected to a stascal
analysis and there is a very slight chance that they will
change. You will be noed if there is a change to your score.
Once your results are posted in your ACLP Online User Prole,
they are considered nal.
The purpose of the Child Life Professional Cercaon Exam is
to measure an individuals performance compared to a spe-
cic criterion (the established passing score as dened by
subject maer experts), this is called a criterion-referenced
exam. This type of exam is not intended to measure a range
of levels of competence, but rather to conrm that an indi-
vidual meets a minimum level of competence. Like most
credenaling exams, the objecve of the Child Life Profes-
sional Cercaon Exam is to measure candidatescompre-
hension of the body of knowledge idened in the Pracce
Analysis Study, not to compare it with that of other candi-
The goal of criterion-referenced assessments is to measure
performance most precisely in a narrow range near the pass-
ing score. The more precise the exam is in this range, the less
suitable it is for assessing aptude at levels above/below the
passing score. As a result it would be inappropriate to use
test scores to rank individuals.
For this reason, CLCC does not release test scores above the
passing score. If a candidate reaches or exceeds the passing
score, they will not receive their numerical score, only the
informaon that they have passed the exam. This is done in
part to prevent the improper ranking of individuals by stake-
holders such as prospecve employers. Candidates who do
not meet the cut score will receive their numerical scaled
score as well as the percentage of correct answers they pro-
vided for each of the three domains. This informaon is pro-
vided to help candidates focus their studies for future exami-
Registraon for the Child Life Professional Cercaon
Examinaon constutes authorizaon for the tesng
agency to release that candidates exam results to CLCC,
Page 19
Re-Examinaon Procedures
Candidates can only take the exam once per tesng window. Three test forms will be available each year. Therefore, candidates are
allowed to sit for the examinaon three mes per year and will be administered a dierent test form with each aempt. Aer three
aempts, a candidate must skip an administraon (tesng window) of the examinaon. If they fail a fourth me, candidates must
skip another administraon of the examinaon prior to taking a h me. When a candidate is required to skip an examinaon
administraon, the candidate is encouraged to seek out learning opportunies and coursework to gain further informaon regard-
ing the child life profession and skills. If eligibility requirements have changed since the last examinaon aempt, a candidate must
reestablish eligibility prior to retaking the examinaon. Candidates are limited to taking the examinaon 5 mes. Addional
aempts require the approval of the Appeals Commiee.
Examination Appeals
Only appeals relang to the tesng environment or administraon and its eect on candidate performance will be considered.
A candidate must submit a leer to CLCC stang the reason for the appeal, including supporng documentaon, within 14 days of
the date on which the exam was administered.
The Appeals Commiee has no access to examinaon quesons or individual candidate answers. Candidates with concerns about
the accuracy of specic exam quesons must provide this feedback prior to leaving the tesng room.
Candidates who experience technical dicules that aect their performance during computer-based tesng must report these to
the proctor immediately (prior to receiving their exam scores) and contact SMT immediately aer leaving the tesng center to re-
port the problem.
Cercaon will not be granted through appeal. Candidates must pass the examinaon at another administraon to become cer-
ed, but the CLCC may grant a waiver or reducon of fees.
I Didnt Pass the Exam – What Are My Opons?
ACLP sta, and to the candidate only. Access to score reports is limited to those sta members at ACLP and its test
administraon agency who are involved in the producon and distribuon of these reports.
Page 20 Child Life Professional Cercaon Candidate Manual
Congratulaons! Youre a Cered Child Life Specialist!
Candidates who successfully complete the Child Life Professional Cercaon Exami-
naon begin a ve-year cercaon cycle as Cered Child Life Specialists (CCLSs).
Cered Child Life Specialists are permied to use the inials CCLSaer their
names. CCLS is a registered cercaon mark. It is not punctuated with periods.
Cered Child Life Specialist is a credenal, not a job tle, and can only be used by
those who have passed the cercaon exam.
Shortly aer the tesng window closes, you will receive a wall cercate along with
important informaon on maintaining the CCLS credenal. Please be sure to review
this material carefully as well as the Child Life Professional Cercaon Maintenance
and Recercaon Manual.
Maintaining Cercaon
In order to keep their cercaon status acve, CCLSs are
required to pay a cercaon maintenance fee each of the
rst four years of the ve-year cercaon cycle.
Whereas examinaon and recercaon fees cover ex-
penses directly related to those specic acvies, the prin-
cipal purpose of the cercaon maintenance fee is to
enable the ongoing work on behalf of CCLSs.
Newly cered or recered CCLSs pay the rst of these
four payments in the calendar year immediately following the year in which the exam
was passed or the year in which recercaon was achieved. For example, if a CCLS
passes the exam at any of the administraons in 2019, the rst cercaon mainte-
nance payment will be due on or before January 31, 2020.
Individuals who do not pay these fees allow their cercaon to lapse, and are no
longer permied to refer to themselves as Cered Child Life Specialists or use the
CCLS credenal. If cercaon lapses due to non-payment of maintenance fees, an
individual must re-establish eligibility under current requirements, take and pass the
cercaon examinaon to regain the credenal.
In the h year of the cercaon cycle,
CCLSs must recerfy in order to connue
their cercaon. Recercaon is required
in order to promote connuing competence.
As the child life profession connues to
evolve and expand, it is imperave that child
life specialists keep abreast of current re-
search and best pracces in order to pro-
mote competency and consistent quality in
the delivery of psychosocial care to children
and families.
During the year in which a
CCLSs cercaon expires,
CLCC will send recercaon
reminders via email. CCLSs
may opt to recerfy through
Professional Development
Units (PDUs) or by retaking the
Child Life Professional Cer-
caon Examinaon.
Individuals who become cered
or who recerfy in 2015 or subsequent years
and who elect the PDU opon will be re-
quired to acquire 60 PDUs over the course of
the ve-year cercaon cycle on topics re-
lated to each of the domains of the Exam
Content Outline as well as the topic of pro-
fessional ethics. These are detailed in the
Child Life Professional Cercaon Mainte-
nance and Recercaon Manual.
If a CCLS does not recerfy during the nal
year of the ve-year cercaon cycle, cer-
caon expires.
To regain the credenal, an individual with
expired cercaon must re-establish eligi-
bility under current requirements, take and
pass the cercaon examinaon.
Revoking the CCLS Credenal
Child life professional cercaon may be revoked for any reason CLCC deems
appropriate, including, but not limited to, the following reasons:
Falsicaon of cercaon materials
Falsicaon of any informaon requested by CLCC
Violaon of the Child Life Code of Ethics
Convicon of a felony or other crime of moral turpitude relang to the pro-
vision of child life services
Cheang on the examinaon
Failure to maintain the condenality of the cercaon examinaon
These are current policies
and are subject to change.
Please refer to the detailed
informaon about maintain-
ing the credenal and the
recercaon process found
in the Child Life Professional
Cercaon Maintenance
and Recercaon Manual
Page 20 Child Life Professional Cercaon Candidate Manual
Child Life Code of Ethics
Eecve October 1, 2023
Cered Child Life Specialists (“CCLSs”) subscribe to a body of ethical Principles and Rules which are in accordance with
the Associaon of Child Life ProfessionalsMission, Values, and Vision Statements and Operang Procedures and which
are derived primarily for the benet and protecon of children (unless modied, children refers to infants, toddlers,
teenagers, and other individuals under the age of majority), and families in sengs where the potenal for damaging
stress or trauma exists. The Child Life Cercaon Commission (“Commission") is the sole body authorized to award the
CCLS designaon. The CCLS designaon bestows a recognized level of excellence for child life professionals. Part of that
competence relates to an understanding that members and their leadership and sta will abide by the Child Life Code of
Ethics, thereby protecng the public they are called to serve.
CCLSs recognize that they are ethically responsible to: (1) children and families; (2) other professionals; (3) sta, stu-
dents and volunteers who are receiving training and supervision; and (4) the profession.
It is understood that ethical behavior should not result from edict but from a personal commitment on the part of the
individual as a professional. In any situaon, the course of acon chosen is expected to be consistent with the Princi-
ples and Rules either stated or implied herein.
All those providing child life services (including specialists, administrators, assistants, interns and students) share as a goal:
(1) maximizing the physical and emoonal health as well as the social, cognive, and developmental abilies of children,
and (2) minimizing the potenal stress and trauma that children and their families may experience. These goals are best
accomplished by adhering to this Child Life Code of Ethics.
To this end, the Commission hereby establishes this Child Life Code of Ethics stang that all individuals holding the CCLS
credenal are bound to:
Conduct their businesses according to high standards of integrity and fairness and to render that service so that any
prudent personwould agree that those holding the CCLS credenal conduct their businesses in a manner that is
beyond reproach.
Provide competent, paent and family-centricservice that protects the public.
Abide by all applicable governing rules, regulaons, and standards.
The Child Life Code of Ethics consists of two parts: The Principles and The Rules. The Principles embody the ethical and
professional standards expected of those holding the CCLS credenal. These Principles address the substanceand not
merely the formof service provided. The Principles are the guidelines of professional conduct, the same conduct that
any individual would expect of any professional organizaon on which they rely. The Rules serve as a descripon of best-
pracce or CCLS standards and outline how the principles must be implemented in specic circumstances.
The Principles:
Principle 1 -- CCLSs hold a primary commitment to the psychosocial care of the paent and family and uphold the mis-
sion, vision, values, and operang principles of the profession.
Principle 2 -- CCLSs have a duty to maintain objecvity, integrity, and competence, while exhibing compassion.
Page 21
Principle 3 -- CCLSs have an obligaon to maintain an environment that respects every variaon of race, identy, abil-
ity, and community.
Principle 4 -- CCLSs respect the privacy of children and families and maintain condenality within the standards and
requirements of employers, local governing regulaons, or private pracce standards.
Principle 5 -- CCLSs demonstrate the competencies of the child life profession by connuous eorts to improve profes-
sional services and pracces provided in the diverse sengs in which they work, and in the community at large.
Principle 6 -- CCLSs provide services within their competencies and make appropriate referrals with due regard for the
professional competencies of other members of the health care team and the community within which they work.
Principle 7 -- CCLSs respect the dues, competencies and needs of their professional colleagues and maintain the ut-
most integrity in all interacons with the instuons or organizaons that employ them or in their private pracces.
Principle 8 -- CCLSs connually seek knowledge and skills that update and enhance their understanding of all relevant
issues aecng the children and families they serve.
Principle 9 -- CCLSs respect the convenons of scholarly inquiry and recognize their responsibility for ethical pracce
in research.
Principle 10 -- CCLSs use integrity to assess and amend any personal relaonships, social media exchanges, or situa-
ons that may interfere with their professional eecveness or objecvity, or otherwise negavely impact the chil-
dren and families they serve. Child life professionals ensure the conclusion of their professional role before any person-
al relaonship is permied to develop with children or the members of families they have served.
Principle 11 -- CCLSs recognize that nancial gain should never take precedence over the mission, vision, values, and
operang principles of the profession.
Principle 12 -- CCLSs accountable for the supervision and training of others (e.g., sta, students, volunteers) assume
responsibility for teaching ethical professional values and providing opmal learning experiences.
The Rules
Rule 101: CCLSs shall keep informed of developments in the profession and parcipate in connuing educaon
throughout their professional careers in order to improve professional competence in all elds in which the designee is
Rule 201: A CCLS shall not reveal or use, without wrien consent, any personally idenable informaon except and to
the extent that disclosure or use is reasonably necessary to: (a) Comply with legal requirements or legal process; or (b)
Defend the CCLS against charges of wrongdoing; or (c) Defend the CCLS in connecon with a civil dispute between the
CCLS and the individual.
Rule 202: A CCLS shall maintain the same standards of condenality to employers and employees as to individuals.
Page 23 Child Life Professional Cercaon Candidate Manual
Rule 301: A CCLS shall use the designaon in compliance with the current policies of the Commission, as established
and amended.
Rule 302: A CCLS shall show respect for other businesses, professionals, and related occupaonal groups by engaging in
fair and honorable compeve pracces.
Rule 303: A CCLS who has knowledge that another CCLS has commied a violaon of this Code shall promptly nofy
the Ethics Commiee. A violaon would be any act that raises substanal quesons as to another CCLSintegrity, com-
petence, or business pracces. For the purposes of this Rule, knowledge means no substanal doubt.
Rule 304: A CCLS who has knowledge that raises a substanal queson of legally aconable, unprofessional, fraudu-
lent, or illegal conduct by a CCLS shall promptly inform the appropriate regulatory body if appropriate, as well as the
Ethics Commiee. For purposes of this Rule, knowledge means no substanal doubt.
Rule 305: In all professional acvies, a CCLS shall perform services in accordance with: (a) Applicable laws, rules, and
regulaons of governmental and other applicable authories; and (b) Applicable rules, regulaons, and other estab-
lished policies of the Commission.
Rule 306: CCLSs shall not engage in any conduct that reects adversely on their integrity or business pracces.
Rule 307: A CCLS shall always act in the best interest of individuals, serving the overarching requirement to protect the
Fairness and Integrity
Rule 401: A CCLS shall, in rendering services, disclose all material informaon relevant to the professional relaonship,
including but not limited to conict(s) of interest(s), address, telephone number, cercaon status, and qualicaons.
Rule 402: A CCLS shall not, during the course of rendering professional services, engage in conduct that involves dis-
honesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentaon, or knowingly make a false or misleading statement to a paent, employer,
employee, professional colleague, governmental or other regulatory body or ocial, or any other person or enty.
Rule 403: A CCLS is prohibited from the unauthorized or misleading use of the CCLS designaon. If the CCLS renewal
date has passed and the CCLS has not fullled requirements to maintain cercaon, the CCLS designaon may not be
used unl the CCLS meets all current requirements. Addionally, CCLSs are prohibited from using the CCLS designaon
to represent their organizaon as specialists in a parcular business service, or from using the designaon in any way
to mislead individuals about their experse or breadth of experience.
Rule 404: A CCLS shall not discriminate against others based on, but not limited to, gender, race, age, religion, disabil-
ity, naonality, sexual orientaon, gender identy, gender expression, or other protected class.
Violaon of the Child Life Code of Ethics
CCLSs that violate the Child Life Code of Ethics shall be subject to disciplinary acon. The Ethics Commiee maintains
and implements disciplinary policy and procedures.
Page 24
Page 24 Child Life Professional Cercaon Candidate Manual
Child Life Professional Cercaon Exam Content Outline, eecve 1/1/24
Domain I: Professional Responsibility (26%)
1. Adhere to standards of ethical pracce.
A. Professional boundaries and therapeuc relaon-
ships (e.g., children, families, child life profession-
als, emerging professionals, mul-disciplinary pro-
fessionals, students, volunteers)
B. Condenality and privacy laws
C. Ulize ethical tenets and principles to guide prac-
ces (e.g., personal, peer, and professional ac-
countability, conicts of interest, social media)
D. Protecon, safety, and rights of the child and fam-
1. Physical and emoonal safety (e.g., safe envi-
ronment, recognize maltreatment, duty to
report abuse/neglect)
2. Consent and assent
3. Trauma-informed care
E. Maintain an environment that respects and re-
sponds to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
F. Responsibility to engage in the appropriate super-
vision and training of others
2. Engage in opportunies for connuous improve-
ment in child life pracce.
A. Self-reecon (e.g., awareness of biases, projec-
on, transference, work/life boundaries)
B. Recognion of, and strategies to combat, poten-
al stressors related to the profession (e.g., burn-
out, compassion fague, discriminaon, second-
ary trauma)
C. Acvies of inquiry and evidence-based pracce.
3. Collaborate eecvely with mul-disciplinary pro-
A. Clear and objecve documentaon outlining the
assessment, plan, intervenon, and evaluaon
(APIE) process
B. Integrate a variety of educaonal techniques
(e.g., lectures, hands-on acvies, use of media)
when speaking to and networking with diverse
individuals and groups
C. Educaon of internal and external audiences
about child life services and psychosocial care
1. Child development
2. Coping
3. Family systems
4. Play
Domain II: Assessment (37%)
1. Assess and priorize children and families based on
psychosocial risk and need.
A. Ulize play in assessment
B. Ulize assessment tools and techniques (e.g., devel-
opment, conversaons, Psychosocial Risk Assess-
ment in Pediatrics (PRAP), stress point potenal)
C. Assess through a trauma-informed approach (e.g.,
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Pediatric
Medical Traumac Stress (PMTS))
D. Connuous reassessment and evaluaon of inter-
2. Assess relevant health care data to develop a compre-
hensive plan of care.
A. Impact of illness, injury, and health care experienc
B. mpact of diagnosis, procedures, and treatment
C. Impact of health care trends, disparies, and envi-
D. Child's understanding of illness and healthcare expe-
3. Assess developmental data to develop a comprehen-
sive plan of care.
A. Physical, cognive, communicaon, and social-
emoonal development of the child
B. Developmental theories, viewed through a lens of
cultural humility (e.g., adverse child experiences,
aachment, contextual framework, coping, resilien-
C. Developmental variables that impact a child's stress
potenal (e.g., absence of support system, coping
skills, physical limitaons)
4. Assess family variables to develop a comprehensive
plan of care.
A. Composion and dynamics (e.g., pracces, prefer-
ences, roles)
B. Interpretaon and understanding of health, illness,
and loss
Page 25
C. Ulizaon of self-advocacy
D. Access to support and resources
E. Response to healthcare and community-based sys-
tems and instuons
5. Assess cultural and contextual variables to develop a
comprehensive plan of care.
A. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consideraon
B. Systemic and structural bias, discriminaon, racism,
and equity
C. Communicaon and learning styles
D. Strength-based approach to paent- and family-
centered care
Domain III: Intervenon (37%)
1. Provide paent- and family-centered care (i.e., dignity
and respect, informaon sharing, parcipaon, and
A. Care inclusive of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
B. Interdisciplinary/muldisciplinary approach
1. Opportunies for collaboraon (e.g., co-treang,
2. Appropriate consultaons/referrals
C. Partner with children and families via a therapeuc
2. Incorporate play theories and apply to pracce.
A. Play that is culturally and developmentally relevant
to needs of child and family
1. Normalizing play
2. Developmental play
3. Healthcare/medical play
4. Therapeuc play
5. Child-directed play
B. Appropriate play experiences to facilitate opmal
coping (e.g., assessment, educaon, mastery, nor-
malizaon, rapport building)
C. Environments conducive to play (e.g., acvity/play
rooms, camp, outdoor, paent room, virtual)
3. Provide educaon specic to the individual needs of
child and family.
A. Ulizaon of assessment variables to imple-
ment a plan of care that supports individual-
ized needs
1. Psychological preparaon
2. Healthcare teaching
3. Coping strategies (e.g., alternave focus,
deep breathing, guided imagery)
4. Resources (e.g., camps, foundaons, inte-
grave and expressive therapies)
5. Pain management support and advocacy
a. Non-pharmacological (e.g., posion for
comfort, posive touch, sensory distrac-
tors, technology)
b. Pharmacological
B. Educaon about developmental needs, abili-
es, and responses
C. Encouragement of child and family to advocate
for their needs
4. Support child and family through diagnosis, treat-
ments, and transions of care
A. Provide procedure support specic to the indi-
vidual needs of child and family (e.g., coping
strategies and evidence-based approaches)
B. Adapng and individualizing intervenons
based on child and family's cues and respons-
5. Support child and family experiencing loss, grief,
and/or bereavement.
A. Developmental, family, and DEI consideraons
B. Grief support and therapeuc intervenons
C. Legacy building and memory making
D. Inter-/mul-disciplinary engagement (e.g.,
hospice, palliave care, spiritual care)
E. Educaon and resources
Child Life Certification Commission
Clinical Experience Verification Form
Effective January 2019 (revised September 2021)
The Child Life Certification Commission cannot bestow competence on individuals, but rather recognizes it. It is the re-
sponsibility of academic and clinical preparation programs to put forth competent individuals who are prepared to establish
eligibility to sit for and pass the certification exam.
The purpose of this form is the verification of internship hours for the purpose of establishing eligibility for the Child Life
Professional Certification Examination. The internship hours being verified should involve training and education in a
manner that results in minimum, entry-level competence in each of the areas of the Child Life Professional Certification Ex-
am Content Outline. All concepts and relevant skills delineated therein are required for a complete training experience.
Important Notes
Candidates are permitted to accrue the required clinical hours at more than one institution. This form must be completed
by each institution.
Candidates are required to complete some of the required hours in a hospital setting. There is no minimum.
Candidates submitting this form who completed the internship with remote supervision must have previously obtained
authorization through the Extenuating Circumstances Policy. The internship coordinator must indicate on this form that
remote supervision was approved.
Photocopies of the original form are accepted as documentation when establishing eligibility for the exam.
Exam candidates are encouraged to keep a copy of this form for their records.
Complete the requested information on the following page and submit by upload to the applicant’s record, fax to 571-483-
4482, scan/email to certifica[email protected] or mail to:
Association of Child Life Professionals
7600 Leesburg Pike West Ste 200
Falls Church, VA 22043
Clinical Rotation Supervisors
Clinical rotation supervisors must meet the following
1. Maintains professional child life certification
throughout the clinical training program
2. Has a minimum of 4,000 hours paid child life
clinical experience prior to taking on the superviso-
ry role
3. Is responsible for the educational development and
guidance of the applicant in the clinical setting.
Clinical rotation supervisors must:
Have daily contact with the individual, working at
least 80% of the same hours
Have no dual relationships with the individual
(family member, spouse, friend, etc.)
Arrange for alternate supervision of the individual
by another qualified CCLS in their absence
Model for and then observe the individual
demonstrating a minimum, entry-level compe-
Directly observe the individual in order to
monitor and evaluate performance
Schedule private, weekly, formal, and
uninterrupted supervision meetings with the indi-
Internship Coordinator
Internship coordinators must meet the following criteria:
1. Maintains professional child life certification throughout the
clinical training program
2. Has a minimum of 4,000 hours paid child life clinical
experience prior to taking on the supervisory role
3. Is responsible for the educational development and guidance
of the applicant in the clinical setting.
In lieu of a formal internship coordinator, a designated clinical
supervisor must be named to fulfill this role and complete the
verification form. The designated individual must meet the
clinical rotation supervisor requirements.
Internship coordinators must:
Be responsible for oversight of internship program with
the support of the clinical rotation supervisors.
Work with the clinical rotation supervisors to educate,
evaluate, mentor, and coach interns
Ensure educational opportunities for interns are available
to help them gain knowledge and experience in relation to
the Exam Content Outline
Serve as a liaison between the child life department and
academic institutions, where applicable
Schedule private, weekly, formal, uninterrupted supervision
meetings with the individual
Provide intern with the Clinical Experience Verification
Form at the completion of the internship
Applicant Name
Instuon Name
CLCC-Approved Remote Supervision Yes or No (circle one)
Clinical Rotaon Supervisor 2
Name (printed) ___________________________________________________CCLS #__________________
Dates of supervision from________________________________to________________________________
By signing this form, the clinical rotaon supervisor aests to meeng the supervisor requirements and directly ob-
serving the intern successfully perform or be trained in the skills idened on the Exam Content Outline.
Signature______________________________________ Date_________________________________________
Internship Coordinator or Designated Individual
Name (printed) ___________________________________________________CCLS #__________________
Interns must be trained on all items on the Exam Content Outline by one of the following: clinical rotaon super-
visor or internship coordinator. By signing this form, the coordinator (or designated individual) aests that they
meet the internship coordinator requirements and that all these elements were included in the training experi-
ence. By stang that the applicant exhibits minimum, entry-level competence, you aest that they have been
adequately trained relevant to the Exam Content Outline, supervised by an appropriately-qualied CCLSs, and
during this period, the applicant has demonstrated minimum, entry-level competence in all areas of the
Exam Content Outline: (Check one)
Start Date __________________ End Date _________________ Number of Hours Completed _______________
Signature______________________________________ Date__________________________________________
Clinical Rotaon Supervisor 3
Name (printed) ___________________________________________________CCLS #__________________
Dates of supervision from________________________________to________________________________
By signing this form, the clinical rotaon supervisor aests to meeng the supervisor requirements and directly ob-
serving the intern successfully perform or be trained in the skills idened on the Exam Content Outline.
Signature______________________________________ Date_________________________________________
Clinical Rotaon Supervisor 1
Name (printed) ___________________________________________________CCLS #__________________
Dates of supervision from________________________________to________________________________
By signing this form, the clinical rotaon supervisor aests to meeng the supervisor requirements and directly ob-
serving the intern successfully perform or be trained in the skills idened on the Exam Content Outline.
Signature______________________________________ Date_________________________________________
To be accepted, courses MUST be taken for college cred-
it (non-credit/audited courses are not accepted) AND be
taken at an academic instuon that has been accredit-
ed by an organizaon recognized by either the US De-
partment of Educaon or the Council on Higher Educa-
on Accreditaon or the internaonal equivalent
Candidates MUST submit an ocial transcript docu-
menng that a passing grade was achieved.
Courses may be taken either in-person or online.
There is no minimum number of credit hours per course.
Photocopies are accepted.
Students should keep a copy of this form for their rec-
When complete, submit this form by fax to 571-483-
4482, email to cerca, or mail to:
ACLP 7600 Leesburg Pike West, Ste 200, Falls Church, VA
Child Life Certification Commission
Child Life Course Verification Form
Effective September 2021
By signing this form you aest that all condions set forth above have been met and the indicated areas of
instrucon were delivered by a CCLS to the student named below.
Student Name
Academic Instuon
CCLS Instructor Signature
CCLS Instructor Name
Cercaon #
Course Name
The following required topics of study were/were not
covered in this course: (Please check the appropriate box next to each of the topics below)
1. Child Life Documents-Ocial Documents of ACLP including the Child Life Code of Ethics, Child Life Compe-
tencies, and Standards of Clinical Pracce, the Child Life Mission, Values and Vision Statements,
2. Scope of pracce The spectrum of child life pracce in direct and non-direct services in pediatric health care
including a historical review of the profession and its development in the evoluon of childrens healthcare.
3. Impact of illness, injury and health care on paents and families Stressors and developmental
and psychosocial treatment issues that aect the health care experience of a child and familyincluding siblings
within the context of developmental theory
4. Family-Centered Care Principles of paent-/family-centered care, including principles of respect and digni-
ty, informaon sharing, supporng parcipaon in care, and collaboraon in relaonship to child life pracce.
5. Therapeuc play Elements/benets of play, and various therapeuc play modalies for the clinical seng.
6. Preparaon Historical/current perspecves on the raonale for, and techniques/outcomes of preparaon, as
well as accepted preparaon methods for healthcare encounters and life-changing events.
The required child life course(s)* must have a focus on
children in the health care environment and must be
taught by a Cered Child Life Specialist (CCLS) who:
Maintains the CCLS credenal throughout the period of
Has a minimum of 4,000 hours of paid child life clinical
experience OR a minimum of 2 years of experience
teaching child life subject maer**
Maintains knowledge of the Child Life Code of Ethics and
the Ocial Documents of the Associaon of Child Life
Pursues training relevant to adult learning styles and evi-
dence-based teaching methodology
*Academic programs may choose to provide coverage of these six topics in more than one course as long as each course covering the areas is taught by a CCLS. In such
cases, a Child Life Course Vericaon Form must be submied for each course, providing conrmaon that the applicant received instrucon from a CCLS in each of the
required topics of study.
**CCLS must be able to demonstrate that the two years of teaching experience was completed prior to 2022. Beginning in 2022, those without prior teaching experiences
who wish to iniate a child life course will only be considered qualied if they have a minimum of 4,000 hours of paid child life clinical experience