Form 433014 (04-18)
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Vehicle Configuration
1 - Passenger car 21 - Motor home/recreational vehicle
2 - Four-tire truck (pick-up)
3 - Sport utility vehicle 22 - School bus (seats >15)
4 - Passenger van (seats <9) 23 - Small school bus (seats 9-15)
5 - Passenger van (seats 9-15) 24 - Other bus (seats >15)
25 - Other small bus (seats 9-15)
6 - Cargo/panel van
7 - Single-unit truck (2-axle, 6-tire) 26 - Farm tractor
8 - Single-unit truck (>=3 axles) 27 - Farm equipment
9 - Other light truck (<=10,000 lbs) (explain in narrative)
10 - Vehicle <=10,000lbs, placarded 28 - All-terrain vehicle (ATV)
for hazardous materials 29 - Snowmobile
11 - Truck/trailer 30 - Golf cart
12 - Truck tractor (bobtail) 31 - Street legal, low-speed vehicle
13 - Tractor/semi-trailer
14 - Tractor/doubles 32 - Limousine/taxi (seats 8 or less)
15 - Tractor/triples 33 - Limousine/taxi (seats 9-15)
16 - Other heavy truck (>10,000 lbs) 34 - Limousine/taxi (seats >15)
(cannot classify)
35 - Maintenance/construction vehicle
17 - Motorcycle 36 - Train
18 - 3-wheeled, enclosed
19 - 3-wheeled, unenclosed 98 - Other (explain in narrative)
20 - Moped 99 - Unknown
1 - Yes
2 - No
3 - Not applicable
99 - Unknown
1 - Yes
2 - No
3 - Not applicable
99 - Unknown
1 - Yes
2 - No
3 - Not applicable
99 - Unknown
Underride / Override
1 - None
2 - Underride, compartment intrusion
3 - Underride, no compartment
4 - Underride, compartment intrusion
5 - Override, moving vehicle
6 - Override, parked/stationary
8 - Other
9 - Unknown
Extent of Damage
1 - None
2 - Minor Damage
3 - Functional damage
4 - Disabling damage
5 - Severe, vehicle totalled
9 - Unknown
Initial Travel Direction
(prior to coded Vehicle Action)
1 - North
2 - East
3 - South
4 - West
99 - Unknown
Vehicle Action
1 - Movement essentially straight
2 - Turning Left
3 - Turning right
4 - Making U-turn
5 - Overtaking/passing
6 - Changing lanes
7 - Entering traffic lane (merging)
8 - Leaving traffic lane
9 - Backing
10 - Slowing/stopping (decelerating)
11 - Stopped in traffic
12 - Legally parked
13 - Illegally parked/unattended
14 - Negotiating a curve
15 - Starting in road
16 - Accelerating in road
17 - Leaving a parked position
18 - Entering a parked position
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Point of Initial Impact
Most Damaged Area
14 - Undercarriage
15 - Non-collision/no damage
16 - Cargo loss
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Vehicle Defect
1 - None 11 - Headlights
2 - Brake system 12 - Tail lights
3 - Steering 13 - Turn signal
4 - Blowout 14 - Body/doors
5 - Other tire defect (explain in narrative) 15 - Power train
6 - Wheels 16 - Suspension
7 - Windows/windshield 17 - Exhaust
8 - Wipers 18 - Safety systems
9 - Mirrors 98 - Other
(explain in narrative)
10 - Trailer hitch/truck coupling, safety chain 99 - Unknown
Towed Field
1 - Driven away
2 - Disabled - privately arranged
3 - Disabled - officer arranged
4 - Not disabled - privately arranged
5 - Not disabled - officer arranged
6 - Abandoned/left at scene
Cargo Body Type
1 - Not applicable
2 - Van/enclosed box
3 - Dump (grain/gravel)
4 - Cargo tank
5 - Flatbed
6 - Concrete mixer
7 - Auto transporter
8 - Garbage/refuse
9 - Hopper (grain, chips, gravel)
10 - Pole trailer
11 - Log trailer
12 - Intermodal container chassis
13 - Small utility trailer (one-axle)
14 - Large utility trailer (2+axles)
15 - Boat
16 - Camper
17 - Large mobile home
18 - Oversize load
19 - Towed vehicle
20 - Bus
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Special Function of Vehicle
1 - No special function
2 - Police
3 - Fire
4 - Ambulance
5 - Incident response vehicle
6 - Non-transport emergency service
7 - Military
8 - Snow plow
9 - Taxi
10 - School
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Emergency Status
1 - Not applicable
2 - Yes, warning equipment used
3 - Yes, warning equipment not used
4 - No, non-emergency, non-transport
5 - No, non-emergency, transport
99 - Unknown
Bus Use
1 - School (public or private)
2 - Transit/commuter
3 - Intercity
4 - Charter/tour
5 - Shuttle
6 - Modified for personal/private use
7 - Church
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
11 112
10 2
13 39
8 4
6 57
Vehicle Characteristics
Hazardous Materials
(cargo only)
Special Vehicles
Commercial Motor Vehicle
Converter Dolly
1 - Yes
2 - No dolly used
3 - N
o informatiom/label or unreadable
9 - Unknown
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
1 - 10,000 lbs or less
2 - 10,001 lbs -26,000 lbs
3 - 26,001 lbs or more
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Alcohol Test Given
1 - None
2 - Blood
3 - Urine
4 - Breath
5 - Vitreous
9 - Refused
Driver Characteristics
Contributing Circumstances, Driver (up to two)
1 - Ran traffic signal Failed to yield right-of-way (FTYROW):
2 - Ran Stop sign 40 - From Stop sign
3 - Exceeded authorized speed 41 - From Yield sign
4 - Driving less than the posted speed limit 42 - Making left turn
5 - Driving too fast for conditions 43 - Making right turn on red signal
6 - Lost control 44 - From driveway
7 - Followed too close 45 - From parked position
8 - Operating vehicle in a reckless, erratic 46 - To non-motorist
careless, negligent manner 47 - At uncontrolled intersection
9 - Improper or erratic lane changing 97 - Other FTYROW (explain in narrative)
10 - Aggressive driving/road rage
11 - Made improper turn Other (explain in narrative):
12 - Failed to yield to emergency vehicle 50 - Vision obstructed
13 - Traveling wrong way/on wrong side 51 - Operating without required equipment
14 - Traveling on prohibited traffic way 52 - Failure to obey displayed vehicle
15 - Over-correcting/over-steering warnings or instructions
16 - Failed to keep in proper lane 53 - Disregarded signs/road markings
17 - Failure to signal intentions 54 - Illegal off-road driving
18 - Swerved to avoid: vehicle, object 55 - Towing improperly
non-motorist, or animal in roadway 56 - Getting off/out of vehicle
19 - Starting or backing improperly 57 - Overloading/improper loading
20 - Failure to dim lights/have lights on with passengers/cargo
21 - Vehicle stopped on railroad tracks
22 - Vehicle drove around grade crossing gates
58 - Operator inexperience
30 - On wrong side 88 - No improper action
31 - Where prohibited by signs/markings
32 - With insufficient distance/inadequate visibility 98 - Other (explain in narrative)
33 - Through/around barrier 99 - Unknown
96 - Other passing (explain in narrative)
Driver Condition
1 - Apparently normal 8 - Physical impairment
2 - Emotional (e.g., depressed, angry) 9 - Walks with a cane/crutches
3 - Asleep/fatigued 10 - Paraplegic/wheelchair restricted
4 - Illness/fainted 11 - Impaired due to previous injury
5 - Medical condition (seizure, reaction)
12 - Hearing impaired/deaf
6 - Under the influence of alcohol 13 - Visually impaired
7 - Under the influence of drugs/meds 98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Vision Obscured
1 - Not obscured 11 - Broken/dirty windshield
2 - Trees/crops 12 - Frosted windows/windshield
3 - Embankment 13 - External mirrors
4 - Hillcrest 14 - Blowing snow
5 - Building(s)
15 - Fog/smoke/dust
6 - Sign/billboard 16 - Splash/spray of passing vehicle
7 - Parked vehicle(s) 17 - Inadequate vehicle lighting
8 - Moving vehicle(s) 18 - Exterior angle/blind spot on vehicle
9 - Person/object in or on vehicle 98 - Other (explain in narrative)
10 - Blinded by sun or headlights 99 - Unknown
Alcohol/Drug Testing
Accident Environment
Drug Test Given
1 - None
2 - Blood
3 - Urine
4 - Breath
5 - Vitreous
9 - Refused
Drug Test Result
1 - Negative 6 - Inhalants
2 - Cannabis 7 - Narcotic
3 - Central Nervous Analgesics
Sys. depressants 8 - Disociative
4 - Central Nervous Anesthetic (PCP)
Sys, stimulants 9 - Prescription Drug
5 - Hallucinogens 98 - Other (explain
in narrative)
Light Conditions
1 - Daylight 4 - Dark, roadway lighted
2 - Dusk 5 - Dark, roadway not lighted
3 - Dawn 6 - Dark, unknown roadway lighting
9 - Unknown
Driver Re-Examination Needed:
1 - Yes (explain in narrative)
2 - No
Driver Distraction:
1 - Not applicable/no driver
2 - Not distracted
Electronic devices:
3 - Manual operation of an electronic
communication device (texting, typing, dialing)
4 - Talking on hand-held device
5 - Talking on hands free device
6 - Adjusting devices (radio, climate)
96 - Other activity with electronic device
(explain in narrative)
Other distraction inside vehicle:
10 - Passenger
11 - Unrestrained animal
12 - Eating or drinking related
13 - Smoking related
14 - Reaching for object(s)/fallen object(s)
15 - Inattentive/lost in thought
16 - Looked but did not see
97 - Other distraction inside vehicle
(explain in narrative)
98 - Distraction outside vehicle
(explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Location of First Harmful Event
1 - On roadway
2 - Shoulder
3 - Median
4 - Roadside
5 - Gore
6 - Outside trafficway
7 - In parking lane/zone
8 - Continuous left turn lane
9 - Separator
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Surface Conditions
1 - Dry
2 - Wet
3 - Ice/Frost
4 - Snow
5 - Slush
6 - Mud, dirt
7 - Water (standing or moving)
8 - Sand
9 - Oil
10 - Gravel
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Manner of Crash/Collision
1 - Non-collision (single vehicle)
2 - Head-on (front to front)
3 - Rear end (front to rear)
4 - Angle, oncoming left turn
5 - Broadside (front to side)
6 - Sideswipe, same direction
7 - Sideswipe, opposite direction
8 - Rear to rear
9 - Rear to side
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Weather Conditions (up to two)
1 - Clear
2 - Cloudy
3 - Fog, smoke, smog
4 - Freezing rain/drizzle
5 - Rain
6 - Sleet, hail
7 - Snow
8 - Blowing snow
9 - Severe winds
10 - Blowing sand, soil, dirt
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
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Vertical Alignment (grade):
1 - Level
2 - At crest
3 - Traversing uphill
4 - Traversing downhill
5 - At sag (bottom of hill)
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Traffic Controls
1 - No controls present
2 - Traffic signals
3 - Flashing traffic control signal
4 - Stop signs
5 - Yield signs
6 - No passing zone (marked)
7 - Warning sign
8 - School zone signs
9 - Railway crossing device
10 - Traffic director (person)
11 - Work zone sign
12 - Inoperative (not functioning properly)
13 - Traffic sign missing
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
1 - Before work zone warning sign
2 - Advance warning area
3 - Transition area
4 - Within or adjacent to work activity
5 - Termination area
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Harmful EventsWork Zone Related?
Work Zone Activity
1 - Construction
2 - Maintenance
3 - Utility
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
1 - Lane closure
2 - Lane switch/crossover
3 - Work on shoulder or median
4 - Intermittent or moving work
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Workers Present?
1 - Workers only
2 - No workers present
3 - Workers and officer present
4 - Law enforcement only
5 - No one present
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Sequence of Events --- Most harmful Event --- First Harmful Event
Pre-crash events: Collision with fixed object:
1 - Ran off road, right 40 - Bridge overhead structure
2 - Ran off road, straight 41 - Bridge pier or support
3 - Ran off road, left 42 - Bridge/bridge rail parapet
4 - Crossed centerline (undivided) 43 - Curb/island/raised median
5 - Crossed median (divided)
44 - Ditch
6 - Evasive action (swerve, panic braking, avoidance) 45 - Embankment
7 - Downhill runaway 46 - Ground
8 - Cargo/equipment loss or shift 47 - Culvert/pipe opening
9 - Equipment failure (tires, brakes, etc.) 48 - Guardrail - face
10 - Towed portion came apart (separation of units) 49 - Guardrail - end
11 - Loss of traction 50 - Concrete
traffic barrier (median or right side)
12 - Trailer fishtailing or swaying 51 - Other traffic barrier (explain in narrative)
13 - Animal (avoided hitting) 52 - Cable barrier
94 - Other pre-crash (explain in narrative) 53 - Impact attenuator/crash cushion
54 - Utility pole/light support
55 - Traffic sign support
56 - Traffic signal support
57 - O
ther post/pole/support (explain in narrative)
58 - Fire hydrant
59 - Mailbox
60 - Tree
61 - Landscape/shrubbery
62 - Snow bank
63 - Fence
64 - Wall
65 - Building
97 - Other fixed object (explain in narrative)
Miscellaneous events:
70 - Fire/explosion
71 - Immersion
72 - Hit and run
73 - Eluding law enforcement
74 - Gas inhalation/asphyxiation
75 - Vehicle out of gear/rolled
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Non-collision events:
20 - Overturn/rollover
21 - Jackknife
22 - Non-contact vehicle (phantom)
23 - Vehicle went airborne
24 - Fell/jumped from vehicle
95 - Other non-collision (explain in narrative)
Collision with:
30 - Thrown or falling object
31 - Animal
32 - Non-motorist (see non-motorist section
- NOT a unit)
33 - Vehicle in traffic
34 - Re-entering roadway
35 - Parked motor vehicle
36 - Work zone maintenance equipment
37 - Railway vehicle/train
38 - Struck/struck by object/cargo/person
from other vehicle
96 - Other non-fixed object (explain in narrative)
Contributing Circumstances, Environment
1 - None apparent
2 - Weather conditions
3 - Visual obstruction
4 - Non-motorist action
5 - Glare
6 - Animal in roadway
7 - Severe crosswind
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Contributing Circumstances, Roadway
1 - None apparent
2 - Surface condition (e.g., wet, icy)
3 - Debris
4 - Ruts, holes, bumps
5 - Work Zone (roadway-related)
6 - Slippery, loose, or worn surface
7 - Obstruction in roadway
8 - Traffic control obscured
9 - Shoulders (none, low, soft, high)
10 - Non-highway work
11 - Traffic backup, prior crash
12 - Traffic backup, regular congestion
13 - Traffic backup, prior non-recurring incident
14 - Disabled vehicle
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
20 - On-ramp merge area
21 - Off-ramp, diverge area
22 - On-ramp
23 - Off-ramp
24 - Mainline, between ramps
98 - Other interchange (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
10 - Roundabout
11 - Traffic circle
12 - Four-way intersection
13 - T-intersection
14 - Y-intersection
15 - Five points or more
16 - L-intersection
17 - Shared use path or trail
18 - Intersection with ramp
97 - Other intersection (explain in narrative)
Type of Roadway Junction/Feature
1 - Non-junction/no special feature
2 - Bike lanes
3 - Railroad grade crossing
4 - Driveway access (within)
5 - Driveway access (related, not in)
6 - Alley
7 - Crossover-related
96 - Other non-intersection (explain in narrative)
Horizontal Alignment (curve):
1 - Straight
2 - Traversing curve to left
3 - Traversing curve to right
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Roadway Characteristics
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Safety Equipment
1 - Not applicable 6 - Protective pads
2 - None 7 - Multi-equipment (explain in
3 - Helmet narrative)
4 - Reflective clothing 98 - Other (explain in narrative)
5 - Lighting 99 - Unkown
1 - Apparently normal
2 - Emotional (e.g., depressed, angry)
3 - Asleep/fatigued
4 - Illness/fainted
5 - Medical condition (seizure,
6 - Under the influence of alcohol
7 - Under the influence of drugs/meds
8 - Physical impairment
9 - Walks with a cane/crutches
10 - Paraplegic/wheelchair restricted
11 - Impaired due to previous injury
12 - Hearing impaired/deaf
13 - Visually impaired/blind
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Action (prior to crash)
1 - Entering or crossing roadway
2 - Waiting to cross roadway
3 - Going to/coming from school
4 - Working in trafficway
5 - Approaching or leaving vehicle
6 - Entering/exiting vehicle
7 - Playing on or working on vehicle
8 - Disabled vehicle-related/pushing
10 - Along roadway with traffic
11 - Along roadway against traffic
12 - Along roadway (direction
13 - On shoulder/median
14 - On sidewalk
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Contributing Circumstances
1 - No improper action
2 - Not visible (dark clothing)
3 - Improper crossing
4 - Darting/dashing
5 - Inattentive
(talking, eating, texting)
6 - Riding/walking on wrong side of road
7 - Failure to obey traffic signs, signals,
or officer
8 - Failure to yield right-of-way
9 - Failure to have lights on when required
10 - Operating without required equipment
11 - Improper riding (more riders than
12 - Improper turn/merge
13 - Improper passing
14 - Passing with insufficient distance or
inadequate visibility
15 - Improper/erratic lane changing
16 - Failure to remain in proper lane
17 - Operating in a reckless, erratic,
careless, negligent manner
18 - Improper exit/entry from trafficway
19 - In roadway improperly (standing,
sitting, lying, working, playing)
20 - Disabled vehicle-related (working on,
pushing, leaving/approaching)
21 - Entering/exiting parked/standing
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Non-motorist (see non-motorist section below)
1 - Pedestrian
2 - Pedalcyclist (
bicycle, tricycle, unicycle,pedal car)
3 - Pedalcycle passenger
4 - In or on building
5 - Horse and Buggy
6 - Skater, personal conveyance, wheelchair
98 - Other non-motorist (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Location (prior to impact)
1 - Within marked crosswalk
2 - Within unmarked crosswalk
3 - Not within crosswalk
4 - Unknown location
Non-intersection (midblock):
5 - Within marked crosswalk
6 - Within unmarked crosswalk
7 - Not within crosswalk
8 - Unknown location
9 - Parking lane/zone
10 - Pedalcycle lane
11 - Sidewalk
12 - Driveway access
13 - Shared path or trail
14 - Shoulder/roadside
15 - Median/crossing island
16 - Non-trafficway
17 - Travel lane, other location
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
1 - Not applicable
2 - Not ejected
3 - Partially ejected
4 - Totally ejected
9 - Unknown
Type of Primary Incident
1 - Vehicle Crash
2 - Traffic Stop
3 - Roadway Debris
4 - Motorist Assist
5 - Other
(Explain in narrative)
Injury Status
1 - Fatal
2 - Suspected serious/incapacitating
3 - Suspected minor/non-incapacitating
4 - Possible (complaint of pain/injury)
5 - Uninjured
7 - Fatal, not crash-related
9 - Unknown
Occupant Protection
1 - Not applicable
2 - None used
3 - Shoulder and lap belt used
4 - Lap belt only used
5 - Shoulder belt only used
6 - Child safety seat (forward-facing)
7 - Child safety seat (rear-facing)
8 - Child safety seat (type unknown)
9 - Booster seat
10 - Helmet (DOT compliant)
11 - Helmet (other)
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Airbag Deployment
1 - Not applicable
2 - Airbag turned off
3 - Not deployed
4 - Deployed front of person
5 - Deployed side of person
6 - Deployed both front/side
7 - Deployed curtain
98 - Other deployment (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Ejection Path
1 - Not ejected/not applicable
2 - Through front windshield
3 - Through side window
4 - Through side door
5 - Through roof
6 - Through back window
7 - Through back door/tailgate opening
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Injury/Protective Devices
Died at Scene/Enroute
1 - Not applicable
2 - Died at scene
3 - Died enroute
4 - Died at hospital
5 - Died later (w/in 30 days)
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
Source of Transport
1 - Not transported
2 - EMS air
3 - EMS ground
4 - Law enforcement
5 - Parent/spouse/friend
6 - Self
7 - To funeral home/morgue
98 - Other (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown
1 - Not trapped/applicable
2 - Extricated by non-mechanical means
3 - Extricated by mechanical means
9 - Unknown
16 - In 6th row or greater
17 - In enclosed passenger/cargo area
18 - In unenclosed passenger/cargo area
19 - Sleeper
20 - Trailing unit
21 - Riding on exterior of vehicle
22 - Hanging onto vehicle
23 - Passenger of motorcycle/moped/ATV
98 - Other vehicle-related (explain in narrative)
99 - Unknown